Minggu, 04 September 2016

Tips for Honeymoon Travel

Planning a wedding is a very detailed process. By the end of your wedding day at least you have your honeymoon to look forward to. I've compiled a list of tips for your honeymoon travels that will be helpful to know before your departure.
  1. The Name Game - Even though you might be changing your last name to your husband's or significant other's, the name change transition won't take place until you get your marriage license and sit in line at social security and the DMV. One thing to remember when booking your reservations: Be sure that the name on your photo ID or passport matches the name on your reservations.
  2. Pack Smart - Now that you're married get used to sharing! To plan for lost luggage pack half of your items in your suitcase and a half in your significant others. Have your significant other do the same. If you lose one luggage at least you'll have half of your person belongings and hopefully less stress.
  3. Itinerary - Give your parents or friends copies of your itinerary in case of emergency.
  4. Consider All-Inclusive Resorts or Cruises - All-Inclusive often includes food, alcoholic and nonalcoholic drinks, room, and sometimes even water sports. Be aware of what your resort means by "all-inclusive". Pros of all-inclusive travel are you don't have to worry about carrying around cash for food or drinks, some resorts offer free transportation to their other resorts on the island/country, and the most expensive part of your trip will already be paid for. Cons of the all-inclusive travel are you're stuck at one resort/country/island, only have their restaurants to choose from, and you often end up spending additional money if you choose to leave the resort or do an excursion.
  5. Weather - When considering where to take your honeymoon look into the weather that time of year. You may picture your destination one way, but in reality, their season may be different than you imagine. This includes hurricanes, rain, sun, and snow.
  6. Just One Of The Tourists - Each destination has their own "busy" or "tourist" season. There are pros and cons to traveling on and off peak seasons. Be aware that during tourist season lines might be longer and prices might be higher.
  7. Currency - If you're planning to leave the country research the currency used at your honeymoon destination. Consider if the country excepts U.S. currency - it can save you money on the currency exchange costs. For example in St. Lucia their currency is the Eastern Caribbean Dollar. Since a large part of their income is tourism they accept U.S. Dollars. This can be handy for taxis or public bathrooms. If you plan to stay at a resort also consider if you need the country's currency; when you purchase excursions through the resort you're paying the resort with your credit card. If you're on a "plan-it-yourself" honeymoon in Europe you will most likely need to exchange your currency; using your credit card for each meal or attraction might add on fees.
  8. Local Attractions - Before you leave try and do some research of the tourist attractions and local hot spots. Ask friends and family, call your hotel or resort, or use the internet to find information. Examiner.com is a great resource for finding additional travel information on U.S. and international travel. Once you arrive at your destination use your hotel or resort to asking questions about what to see and do while vacationing.
  9. Relax and have fun - Your honeymoon is your time to do what you want to do whether it's relaxing at the beach, go site seeing, visit new places, or enjoy the landscape and culture. Give yourself time to relax and just have fun!
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